Second Chances Girl - a Miami family and lifestyle blog!: Project Linus

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Project Linus

As a mom, our local children's hospital emergency room sometimes seems like a second home, especially during cold and flu season. But what about those times when your child has to be admitted? How scary was that moment? Well, lots of parents go through this day in and day out. Hospitals are cold and scary to children. None of "their stuff" is there and they have to stay in bed all day. Not fun! 

A couple of years ago, I decided that I wanted to do something to help brighten up hospital stays for children. I found this charity, Project Linus, that donates blankets to children in hospitals. I love to crochet and knew this would be a good fit for me. I would make the blankets, send them to Project Linus and they would send to a child in need. 

From Project Linus introduction page:

"Project Linus National Headquarters is located in Bloomington, Illinois. National President Carol Babbitt and Vice President Mary Balagna direct and orchestrate the activities of Project Linus chapters located across the United States. Both have been involved with the organization since late 1998, as chapter coordinators and now as directors and officers. They also maintain a very busy Central Illinois chapter, donating an average of 350 blankets every month to local children. With chapters in all 50 states, Project Linus continues to grow. Blankets are collected locally and distributed to children in hospitals, shelters, social service agencies, or anywhere that a child might be in need of a big hug."

So all you sewers and crocheters out there, check out Project Linus. You can order a blanket kit or donate your time. Also, stop by and like their Facebook page,

Right now, I am working on a couple of baby blankets that I am crocheting. I will post pics as soon as they are ready!

1 comment:

  1. That is such a wonderful thing to do. I can't crochet, even though I've tried, but I can sew. I'm going to check out the website. It's such a nice thing to do. Just swinging back thru from



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