Second Chances Girl - a Miami family and lifestyle blog!: Wordless Wednesday: Walking It Off

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Walking It Off

Monday was his first day of first grade. He was nervous! Best solution: walk it off!


  1. My oldest is always nervous when schools starts too. It normally takes him about a week before he adjusts :)

  2. I can't tell you how well that works for me. I had a photo shoot on Saturday and I was so nervous so when I got there early, I spent about 15 minutes walking it off. It helped!

  3. How adorable. My little first grader starts really soon. I wonder if he will have first day jitters too!

  4. My oldest started Middle School this year...and our daily exercises came into play in order to get ride of all that energy! Wall pushes, sit ups and running in place.

    I love your path by the way!

  5. Love this. Short, sweet and simple :) My son starting school this week, I'm more nervous than him :(



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