Second Chances Girl - a Miami family and lifestyle blog!: I Just BANNED Video Games!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I Just BANNED Video Games!

Yes, I just banned video games. No Wii U, no 3DS, no Xbox One, nothing! I've had it!

OK, just in case you were wondering what happened, I lost my cool on Sunday afternoon. It started as a nice, calm day until I asked Adrian (who was playing video games) to get dressed (he was in pjs) because we were going to the park. You know what I got? Silence! He didn't hear me or if he did, he pretended not to. A few repetitions later, I snatched the gamepad from his hands and forced him to get dressed.  Then, we put his bicycle in the trunk and drove to the park. Once there, he noticed the training wheels were still on his bike, refused to ride it since other kids were without training wheels and threw his bike. Now, normally he would go on time out, but not this Sunday. I picked up my cell phone, called JC and demanded that all video game consoles be disconnected. Adrian overheard and looked at me in complete horror. At that moment, video games were banned!

For the next 30 days, outside play and his toys will be his entertainment. He will learn to ride his bike without training wheels, he will learn to ride skates or a skateboard. He will run, jump, hop, skip maybe learn to do a cartwheel or two. He will enjoy the sunshine and be outside. He will play with his toys, dozens of toys that are continuously ignored because a Mario level is more important.

I'm not saying that video games are bad. I have never been into video games but I will admit I have had lots of fun playing the sports and family games. They are a form of entertainment but in my opinion, should not run someone's life, especially a child. Children need social interaction and friendships. How is he going to meet new friends if he is inside, in front of a television all day? Nope, not anymore! Oh and when the 30 days are over, he will get to play once or twice a week at most.

I would love to hear your opinions on video games. Do you think I was too harsh? Do your kids play video games? Have you ever banned video games in your household?


  1. Mini has a bunch of electronics and she earns her time on them. We do a lot of crafts and baking on the weekends to keep her occupied. During the week, I let her play at night before she goes to bed. She works hard in school all day and her little 6yo brain is fried so I'm all for some mindless fun. She bowls during the winter and plays tee-ball in the spring and fall so that breaks up the monotony and gets her out of the house.
    That being said, I totally think the punishment is fair. Kids these days don't want to use their imaginations like we did! Let us know how the 30 days go..

    1. Thanks Tina. It is going well so far. He knows I'm serious, he hasn't even asked if he can play. We are 4 days down, 26 to go!

  2. My kids have electronics, but they have to earn them by good behavior, doing homework etc. I agree also 100 percent with taking away the video games when they do something bad. My kids know that I take away toys, games etc for bad behavior. My oldest is 7 and can be a little cranky, so he ends up losing things more than my youngest :)

    1. 7 is a tough age. Adrian is giving me the hardest time. My parents tell me its the age but I', not so sure. Hopefully, this spares me from a horrible adolescence.

  3. You are my heroine! I don't mind the kids playing but my youngest has no concept of time when he's on it & has a meltdown 80% of the time when it's time to get off.

    1. Even though it was spur of the moment, I had to do it. I felt bad at first because everyone in the house plays and now no one can but we are enjoying some beautiful days at the park! Children do not understand the concept of time. If I let them, they will play all day!



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