Second Chances Girl - a Miami family and lifestyle blog!: 5 on Friday!

Friday, May 16, 2014

5 on Friday!

It's time for 5 on Friday!!!  Once again, I am linking up with the lovely party hostesses-A.Liz AdventuresCarolina CharmThe Good Life, and Hello Happiness


EASTERN CONFERENCE FINALS baby!! This is the fourth consecutive year that the Miami Heat make it to the Eastern Conference Finals. First game is Sunday at 3:30pm!!!



"One, Two, Three, Four, I declare a thumb war" is on repeat all day, every day. Adrian learned it at school, showed Gian and it's been downhill since then! I guess this comes with the #boymom territory.


Books. I love to read but am stuck in a rut. I want to read something but I can't decide on what to read. Please share any books you have read lately that you have loved so I can check them out!!!


Eating. I cannot stop eating. It is constant, whether a meal or snacking on chips. These past two weeks have been really bad. I don't know why but I am so hungry. It's not like just junk food either, I will eat chips and then want grilled asparagus. I need to figure out a way to control it or I might just blow up!


I've spent lots of time with my parents in the past week and a half. First, my dad's birthday, we took him to dinner at Outback Steakhouse. He loves Outback. I look alot like my dad right? Then on Mother's Day, we took my mom to lunch at Earl's. I hadn't been but man was it delicious. I had a Peach Bellini that was AH-MAZING!!!  

I hope you have a fabulous weekend! We have lots of pool time planned!!! 


  1. Aww... you do look like your dad! What a good looking family you have Ida! I'm currently reading the Divergent series (on book 3) and its interesting. I also heard "The Fault in our Stars" is supposed to be good (the movie is coming out soon).

    I can't seem to find the time to read but hopefully can get back at it soon!

  2. I actually had grilled asparagus yesterday! It might have been my first time. It was delicious. I usually am less hungry this time of year because of the heat, although we've gotten much yet.
    Have a great weekend!



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