Second Chances Girl - a Miami family and lifestyle blog!: Creation Celebration With Champions for Kids & Fiskars

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Creation Celebration With Champions for Kids & Fiskars

Disclosure: I participated in this program on behalf of Champions for Kids, Fiskars and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.

Giving and being charitable tops my list of important life lessons to teach my kids! I don't want to raise selfish, non-compassionate children. I want them to know that any act of kindness, big or small, will change someone's day. So when I was asked if I wanted to host a Creation Celebration with a few friends and their kids, I jumped at the chance.This creation celebration is designed to help create awareness at a local level by generating meaningful donations that can help to benefit schools and organizations that may be in need of creative tools and crafting supplies. 

I didn't want to do a regular arts and crafts get-together though. I wanted something different and fun. I asked friends and neighbors to please come over the house on a Saturday afternoon and bring some arts and crafts supplies to donate to our local public school. Once everyone was at our house, I let them know that we were going to host our little celebration at a local pumpkin patch. Being October,  weather in the 70's and the pumpkin patch was set up (we only get it one weekend in the fall here in Miami),it was the perfect opportunity. Everyone was super excited. When we arrived at the pumpkin patch, I purchased a small pumpkin for each child and we got to crafting:

It was the perfect afternoon. The kids were thrilled to show off their pumpkin creations:

With the supplies, the kids and I created baskets to hand out to local teachers. Adrian goes to our local public school. Every year public schools get less and funding for their classrooms so it's up to the parents to help out. Now the kids have supplies for all the upcoming holiday fun!

Champions for Kids makes it simple to give children in local communities the resources they need to thrive. Helping others does not have to come in large doses. Champions for Kids seeks to ignite generational change by fostering a ‘habit of giving’ among youth and parents in America.
The core values of Champions for Kids are simple, yet profound, and drive their efforts to “mobilize millions” to help children -- All children should have: Someone who cares; a Place to belong; Hope for tomorrow and provisions for their journey. All children.

·         From now until October 15, people who share their story with Champions for Kids on will be entered to win a gift basket full of Fiskars school and crafting supplies. Full rules and regulations are available at
o   Fiskars will give these gift baskets to the school/district paired with the top ten winning entries submitted before October 15.
o   For information on how to get involved:
o   To submit your projects:

How do you teach your kids to be charitable? 


  1. I really like Fiskars products, and I think decorating pumpkins with kids are so much fun. I teach my nephew to be charitable by recognizing and appreciating all that he has, so that he will give back to others..

  2. Looks like a lot of fun. The pumpkins turned out so cute. :)

  3. Looks like a fun time! My daughter is in Girl Scouts, so we do alot of charity work that way!

  4. These are the cutest little pumpkins! I LOVE how creative they are. Teaching children to be charitable and give to others at a young age is so important, and truly a priceless life lesson.



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