Raising my kids, especially the boys, to be confident is high up there in my must-do's as a parent. It's not easy and they are way more timid than Amberly is. I understand that each child is different and what might work for one doesn't work for another but I have gathered the ones that have worked and put together these 5 tips to help you raise confident kids!
1. Show affection and encouragement. When children know they are loved, they can take on the world. When a child doesn't receive affection at home, they become very insecure and can manifest their anger onto others. Hug your child often! Show love with a word, a smile, being attentive and listening to their needs, fears and desires.
2. Encourage exploration and imagination. Encourage your child to explore the world around them. Let them play outside and play with others. Provide your child with the tools to express themselves appropriately. Art, music and dance are excellent ways for your child to be creative and express themselves. Listen to their creative ideas. For example: last week, the kids wanted blue hair. They thought it would be the coolest so I went and purchased hair chalk. They waited patiently while I applied it and then they rocked their blue hair. They were happy, they weren't hurting anyone and they were expressing their individuality. This freedom of expression will build tons of confidence!
3. Challenge them. Life is not easy and I believe it's best to show them this at a young age. Children need to be challenged. Help your child see challenges as a learning opportunity to grow as a person. Cheer them on when they take on a challenge. When it gets hard, reassure them that they can do this and that you can do it together, whether it be extra practices for games or making a recipe ten times until they get it right!
4.Give your child responsibility. Give your child age-appropriate chores. Give each child a "special job" that only they can do. They will be so proud of themselves for getting it done. Create job charts where everyone can track their responsibilities. In our home, everyone has a job to do. Amberly helps with laundry, Adrian helps take out trash and Gian Carlo takes out recycling. All this is done after homework and practices. They take great pride in helping out and it teaches them responsibility.
5.Do not shame them. Kids make mistakes, bad choices and bad decisions just like we do. They are growing and shaming them when they do something wrong will make them feel insecure. Did they fail a test? Don't call them dumb or compare them to a sibling who just aced a test. Did they spill their drink at dinner? It's alright, it's just a drink. Do you have an older child that wets the bed? It's OK. It happens to most children, especially boys in the 6-9 age range which my boys are in. They forget to go to the bathroom before bed or if they are like Adrian, sneak a water bottle into his bed and drink it before falling asleep. It happens at least twice a week in our home and they are really ashamed when they wake up and their bed and pajamas are wet.
If they are having a problem, help them find a solution. For the bedwetting issue, I purchased the starter pack of GoodNites TruFit underwear at our local CVS.
GoodNites TruFit are not diapers, my boys are too old for diapers. They are real underwear that works with disposable protection. I put them on my boys at night before bed and they help protect against any accidents! Need a coupon? Click this link and answer a series of 3 questions to unlock a $4 off coupon for a GoodNites TruFit starter pack. GoodNites make for great days!
How do you help your children become more confident?
Hello! Great post! Very helpful tips.
ReplyDeleteThese are all excellent tips. I have 3 boys of my own and can relate! #client
ReplyDeleteGreat tips. We are just starting potty-training here so nowhere near worrying about life without overnight diapers, but I'm glad to see there are products for that.