Second Chances Girl - a Miami family and lifestyle blog!: What Type of Back To School Parent Are You? Seattle's Best Coffee Survival Kit Giveaway

Saturday, August 29, 2015

What Type of Back To School Parent Are You? Seattle's Best Coffee Survival Kit Giveaway

Disclosure: I received a Seattle's Best Coffee Parent's Only Survival Kit in exchange for this post. All opinions are mine alone.

It's back to school central here on the ol' blog. We have been in serious back to school mode for the past two weeks. It's all I can blab about but with 4 kids in school, it's all I really know! Between getting up early, breakfast, dropping kids off, working 9-5, picking kids up from school, chauffeuring them around to extra-curriculars, back home to dinner and homework, I am beat! I always wondered if every other parent is like me but first I had to figure out what that was. To uncover how real everyday parents are approaching the Back to Schools season, Seattle's Best Coffee has partnered with Buzzfeed to launch the "How Do You Back to School?" quiz and content series. I found this fun quiz on there and to nobody's surprise I am a "Snoozer!" parent!!

I always hit the snooze button three or four times therefore I am always late waking up the kids. We rush through our morning routines and make it to school with just seconds to spare before the bell rings. I j ust can't get it together! Back to school is as nerve-wracking for parents as it is for kids so I am eternally grateful for the Parent's Only Back to School Kit I received from Seattle's Best Coffee! They are my lifesavers!

Isn't is amazing? It has all the goodies I need to be ready for everything back to school entails. They even sent me Toasted Hazelnut coffee!! Can you imagine all the yummy coffee to be had? Now, why am I bragging about my survival kit? Well, because the amazing people at Seattle's Best Coffee want you to know what you can win if you enter the giveaway below!

Parent's Only Back to School Survival Kit ($115 value) includes:

- a canvas backpack with a side pocket for your to-go coffee tumbler
- a signature red Seattle's Best Coffee oversized mug
- a to-go coffee tumbler
- a notebook to keep track of family activities
- a Tile app (handy for the lost key morning problem)
- a magnetic dry erase weekly planner
- three varieties of Seattle's Best Coffee

Don't forget to take the quiz and come back and tell me what type of morning parent you are!!


  1. I am totally the snoozer with a mix of negotiator! I set my alarm like 30 mins before I really need to get up so I can snooze and be ready by the time I really need to get up. Its bad! lol.



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