Second Chances Girl - a Miami family and lifestyle blog!: Lent Challenge

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lent Challenge

As you know, Lent has arrived and as any self-torturing Catholic-raised girl, I decided to give up something for Lent. Well not just something, two of my most favorite things: sweets and wine! Yes I know, INSANENESS!!! I really don't know what I was thinking, this has been torture! The one thing that keeps me on it though is that I might lose a few pounds.

For Lent, I've also decided to take on a challenge. I was over on Memories on Clover Lane the other day and was reading about her 40 Bags in 40 Days Challenge. You go through all the rooms in your house and take out what you don't want or need and place this stuff in big bags to throw out or donate.  I was like "AWESOME!" This is such a great idea. Great way to de-clutter the house and do a little spring cleaning while I'm at it.  I could totally do this. So I will. I might not get 40 bags out of it, but my house will finally be organized!

So this is my list:
-My bedroom
-My closet
-JC's closet
-AAA's room
-AAA's closet
-Linen closet
-Downstairs storage closet
-Under the stairs closet
-My bathroom
-Downstairs bathroom
-My brother's closet
-Outside Storage Units
-Kitchen cabinets
-Toy Storage/Media Area

Yes I know that's only 17, but I will be getting more than one bag out of some of these. So Far, I have tackled the pantry and linen closet. Three bags out of those. I'm sorry didn't take before-n-after pics to show you how much there was.

This challenge will also help me see what I already have. How can I keep buying stuff when I don't even know what I have.

So wish me luck!! Will keep you posted as to my progress!

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