Second Chances Girl - a Miami family and lifestyle blog!: A Big No-No

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Big No-No

We all know that texting while driving is a big No-No. I mean come on, we have those precious little beings in the car with us, wouldn't want anything to happen to them right? So today, I am asking you to please Take the Pledge: I WILL NOT TEXT AND DRIVE!!

To take the pledge, you can click on the button above or go to:

I took the pledge last week and have been text free ever since! I am doing it for the safety of my children and everyone else on the road!

This post is not a paid promotion. This post reflects my honest opinions and thoughts! 


  1. Good for you! I don't text while I drive either. First off, it is very dangerous, second, I'm not that coordinated (we have a stick shift).

  2. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I don't text and drive, especially with my daughter in the car. I just wait until I am at a stop light or pulled over. Following you back :)


  3. This is an awesome idea. I never knew how people could text and drive.I hope that a lot of people take this pledge.

    1. I hope so too. This is so important and people really need to be made aware how dangerous this is. Thanks!

  4. I don't text and drive either, it is illegal to use your cell phone at all in my area while driving :) I found you on bloggy moms and following you by email now. I look forward to your future posts! You can find me at

    1. Thanks for the follow! Following you as well!

  5. Love this. I'm usually pretty good but I have slipped at red lights. Not only just for safety, I don't want my daughter's memories of us driving together to include me immersed in my phone! Life is so hectic outside of the car and when we drive together, we have some of our best conversations!

    1. I agree. My son and I have great moments in the car together. I would feel terrible ignoring him for a text.

  6. I completely agree, I stopped texting and driving after I saw a video that AT&T put out with real families who were affected by it. It's so dangerous, I'm glad you are helping spread the word.

    1. Thanks! I saw that video too. It was crazy.



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