Second Chances Girl - a Miami family and lifestyle blog!: Gian's Pre-K Graduation

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Gian's Pre-K Graduation

Saturday morning was the last stop in the graduation parade. Gian graduated from Pre-K!

I have never seen him so happy and smiley. His school makes this a formal event. They have shows and lunch and dancing. He was so excited that it was all about him for once. See that face? That was when he noticed JC was there. Since Gian and Amberly live with their mom we don't get to see them on a daily basis so when they see their dad, it really brightens their day. 

Here he is getting his certificate from his teachers

After graduation, we took all the kids to Toys R Us to pick out gifts and then to see EPIC, which by the way was AWESOME!! If you haven't seen it, you really should!


  1. So precious! I was just watching a kindergarten video of my youngest (she is 8 now) and couldn't stop smiling.:)

    Stopping by from SITS!

  2. Adorable! My youngest still has another year before he graduates from pre-k, they look so grown up in their little gowns :)



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