Second Chances Girl - a Miami family and lifestyle blog!: Join The Fight Against Child Hunger with ConAgra Foods

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Join The Fight Against Child Hunger with ConAgra Foods

“This post has been written on behalf of ConAgra Foods’ Child Hunger Ends Here. I was not compensated for writing this post and opinions are completely my own.”

Did you know that more than one in five children, more than one in four Latino children in the U.S., may not know where their next meal is coming from? That's nearly 16 million children going hungry daily, right here in the U.S. Yup, right here in our backyards!

Did you know that children who experience even intermittent struggles with hunger may suffer serious, long-term consequences to their health, well-being and educational achievement? What’s more - being hungry robs kids of the promise of childhood – the ability to play, grow and learn.

Ready to make a difference? Ready to join the fight against child hunger?

 Child Hunger Ends Here with ConAgra Foods

It's easy to make a difference, look for the red pushpin and locate the code found on specially marked ConAgra Foods and P&G products. For each 8-digit code entered at from March-August 2014, ConAgra Foods or P&G respectively, will donate the money equivalent of one meal to Feeding America. 

Finding the red pushpins is easy! There are codes located on all of the following:

Fight Child Hunger

Join the Fight Against Child Hunger

One of the  easiest ways to learn how to get involved is to join the Child Hunger Ends Here Facebook community at or follow the news on Twitter and Instagram @ChildHungerEnds.

Let's help these children never go hungry again!!!

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  1. This is beautiful, Ida. Kuddos to you for enabling your blog to be a part of spreading such a necessary message. Thank you.

  2. Shared! And thank you for posting. It's very giving to spread these messages through blogging! The statistics are staggering.



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