Raising four kids is no easy task. I want the best for my kids and I want them to be able to enjoy experiences such as youth sports, lessons and vacations. As you know, my kids are 10, 9 and 8 years old and I help raise my 11 year old niece. These are tough ages. They know what they want and usually it's brand name things. I have raised them to know that you don't always get what you want and they know better than to not buy something on sale. Raising frugal kids is super important to me. They know all about sales, discounts and taking advantage of coupons.
We take at last two vacations a year as a family. These are big spending money situations for us so we save all year long. We have special savings accounts set up and the kids have to save money too. They each have a "vacation fund" jar that they put money into all year long. They are really into it and sometimes we can get up to $400 a jar!! They are great at adding a percentage of birthday money, all the change they find and when they use coupons to purchase something, I give them the coupon value to add. For example, they go to the store and want a special brand of cracker and they purchase it with a $0.50 coupon, I give them those $0.50 and they add it to the jar. It really adds up!
One of the biggest ways I save money is using coupons for online purchases, especially coupons from Groupon! Groupon has coupons to so many popular stores:
The list goes on and on. There really is no reason to not check out Groupon coupons prior to hitting "Submit order" on your online purchases. One of my favorites coupons is for 6pm.com. My kids are constantly outgrowing their shoes and shopping at 6pm.com helps me save a fortune on new, brand-name shoes! Groupon also has local coupons, make sure to check out what's available under your city and state. We save on lots of fun local events this way!
Check out Groupon coupons today and get ready to save for fun! Be sure to follow them on Facebook and Twitter for extra special deals!
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